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Minutes, April 11, 2007
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, Jeff Bellin, Jerome Judge, Stan Franzeen, David Pelletier, Nancy Sachetti and newly appointed member Christine Michelini.  Also present was Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator.

Members Absent:  Rachel Hunt

Public in Attendance:  Annette Louizos  (Resident, 7 Glendale Street)

Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm

1)   Approval of Minutes —
N. Sachetti made a motion to approve the January 10, 2007 meeting minutes, seconded by J. Bellin. The motion was approved unanimously.

N. Sachetti made a motion to approve the March 14, 2007 meeting minutes as revised, seconded by J. Judge and approved unanimously.

2)   Public Comment —
Chairman Shuman opened the floor to the public.  No comments were received.

3)   Massachusetts Area Planning Council (MAPC) Bike Parking Program —
F. Taormina gave a brief overview of the MAPC Bike Parking Program for the newly appointed committee member and the public in attendance.  

Discussion ensued regarding the location of bike racks throughout the City.

J. Bellin pointed out that the committee should determine which of the three preferred bike rack styles (the Plymouth, the Bike Hitch, and the U-Two) should locate in the identified area also.  The other committee members agreed.

D. Pelletier made a motion to review Stan Franzeen’s photo slides of proposed bike rack locations, seconded by J. Judge and approved unanimously.  The slides where reviewed and discussion regarding the general location and bike rack styles to locate there ensued.

F. Taormina suggested that the committee focus on the downtown area within the Salem Redevelopment Authority (SRA) jurisdiction because that specific area would require the bike rack styles and locations to be reviewed and approved by the SRA and it’s Design Review Board (DRB).  The committed agreed unanimously.

Chairman Shuman opened discussion and asked each of the members to identify locations.  The committee members narrowed the location of bike racks to the downtown SRA District and F. Taormina plotted each location on a City of Salem Parcel/Street Map.

Chairman Shuman opened the floor for public comment and Annette Louizos, 7 Glendale Street, offered her suggestions on the location of bike racks in the downtown SRA District.

After the committee/public identified all the proposed areas, F. Taormina suggested that he and interested members of the committee walk the entire downtown SRA District and accurately identify the exact location of each bike rack and take an inventory of each bike rack style to be purchased and installed.  The committee members agreed that that was a good idea.  

F. Taormina also mentioned that he would touch base with Dick Rennard, City DPW Director, and Jim Hacker, City Parking Director to see if they would like to join them on the site walk, since they will be installing the bike racks for the City.  

F. Taormina stated that he would send out an email to the committee members to notify them of the time/date a site walk could be held.  

With the general locations of the downtown SRA District finished, J. Bellin made a motion to continue the discussion of the location of bike racks outside that area to the next meeting, seconded by S. Franzeen and the other committee members agreed unanimously.     

4. Mass Highway Department (MHD) Transportation Enhancement Funding Grant —
F. Taormina mentioned that the concept of locating solar pathway light along the bike path is not practical because the solar lights are on stakes and not permanently installed.  After a discussion he had with Lynn Duncan, City Planner and Dick Rennard, City DPW Director, keeping up with theft and maintenance is not worth it.  He also mentioned that the light would not necessarily illuminate the bike path as it should.

The committee members then reviewed the other items, benches, a kiosk, and solar trash compactor identical to the ones that were recently installed along the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall.  The committee discussed the specifications and cost of each item and F. Taormina agreed to get exact price quotes from the manufacturers and report back at the next meeting.

5. Green Line Bike Trail —
D. Pelletier outlined his proposal of the Green Line Bike Trail, which is an on- and off-road bike trail that would traverse the city from roughly the Salem Willows/Winter Island to the existing Salem Bike Path at the Town of Marblehead line/Forest River.  

D. Pelletier explained how the Green Line Bike Trail is intended to avoid major roadways and offer a safer route via secondary and tertiary roadways.  The trail is also intended to link to several City Parks, Beaches, and schools.  D. Pelletier also explained that where is an opportunity for the committee/City to obtain funding from The Safe Routes to School Grant.

D. Pelletier explained the next steps needed, the end result, and potential future links.

S. Franzeen made a motion to support the concept of a Green Line Bike Trail and continue discussion to the next meeting. Seconded by J. Judge and approved unanimously.

6. Old/New Business —
Nominate and Vote for a New Chair — Chairman Shuman notified the committee that for various reasons he is respectfully stepping down as Chairman and would like to have the committee nominate a new Chair.

N. Sachetti suggested that any member interested in serving as chair speak first before members make nominations.
S. Franzeen stated that he is interested in serving as chair of the committee.  No other member was interested in serving and no members made nominations. There being no other interest, the committee members voted unanimously to have Stan Franzeen serve as Chairman of the Bike Path Committee.

Town of Marblehead Recreational Trail – The committee members reviewed the draft letter put together by F. Taormina.  F. Taormina agreed to revise the letter as recommended and mail it to the Town of Marblehead Light Commission to express their collective safety concern and maintenance issues regarding the portion of the Marblehead Recreation Trail located within the Salem City Limits.  F Taormina also mentioned that hw received correspondence from the Mayor’s Office stating that her honor would be willing to assist in the matter if need be.

Peter Tracy Walkway/Bike Path  &  Phase II of the Salem Bike Path — F. Taormina explained D. Pelletier’s proposal to connection with the bypass roadway bike path with the Peter Tracy Walkway via an abandoned MBTA Right-of-Way (ROW). Brief discussion ensued lead by D. Pelletier.  

F. Taormina also explained the proposed extension of the existing Salem Bike Path from its current end at Canal Street to Riley Plaza via a City of Salem ROW, MBTA ROW, and a portion of private property.  F. Taormina stated that he is drafting a letter to the MBTA Real Estate Department to invite them to discuss the two proposals with staff from the City Planning Department, the Mayor’s Office, and Representative John Keenan.  


There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening a motion was made by N. Sachetti to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator
City of Salem DPCD